Great stuff
For a second song it is really really really good.
Keep at it!
9/10 5/5
Please return the favor on my new jazz song: Hot Seductive Women
Great stuff
For a second song it is really really really good.
Keep at it!
9/10 5/5
Please return the favor on my new jazz song: Hot Seductive Women
Thx for Your reaction. Gave me some energy to convert some other stuff to 44kHZ. Well You maybe misunderstood the "second song" its second here on newgrounds, by other words second ´which i put into the world. Anyway, i play with sounds many different way maybe for 10 years by now. Including guitar, percussion, first pc experiments with midi keyboard, then some strange sound devices building :D (which is best of all ) then some midi mixer controlling, recording world on zoom H4, playing with that with effects and slicing , and and and.... Sound gives a wide eyed human unlimited space of creativity... "Love to acousticising" :D
Back to number - these times a may have about 10 hours of ready sound like this. Bad luck every single one does different style and genre and composition.
I like the melodies
Try to pump up the beat a little
Set send in the effects channel of all the drums
then in send select 1
in send one effect channel.
Now put a compressor in there and make compress the drums
This will get a better pumping beat!
9/10 5/5
Please return the favor on my new jazz song: Hot Seductive Women
Now that Im better Im going to remix this. It was good.. but just like... I didnt know how to work fl was the issue I think haha
I don't know snowman
This is strange and cool at the same time!
I love it! Cool remix!
10/10 5/5
Please return the favor on my new jazz song: Hot Seductive Women
thank you very much! checked out your song too
it is cool
Not really ambient for me but who cares anyway
Not really looping but again who cares.
You could make this into a whole sing it has potential for that!
I especially like the sub melody with the plucking sound!
9/10 5/5
Please return the favor on my new jazz song: Hot Seductive Women
Oh Yeah
Much Better!
Its a bit dissonant but that kinda makes it special!
9/10 5/5
thank's :)
This song i like
But normally i hate dubstep LOL
Maybe because of the drumm sounds you used and the piano!!
8/10 4/5
Please return the favor on my new song: It ain't mine
Well i doubt that you hate it since you listened to this track :)
Usually if you hate something you avoid it so i guess you have a hidden passion for dubstep but you haven't found it yet . HAHAHAHA
I'll review your track right away
Music is passion creation is a gift!
Age 56, Male
art degree
Joined on 6/22/01